Tuesday 21 April 2009

Fear - Mark Two! #13

This is an electro/bassy kind of mix I started today as part of a thing for uni. It's the same video essentially, but mushed up. I like the backing so far; I like how exactly the same melody can turn from this soft "la la la" girl voice into a pretty dirty sounding piece. I may even mean durrty. I might carry it on into a full song after uni.

*strokes beard*

PS I wrote this at about 2am in my head, where I do all my best work. Then in the morning, I'd forgotten the melody, so I made up a different one. The head one was better, but this will have to do.

Sunday 19 April 2009

#11 - Fear (We Look On)


Today's video is actually yesterday's video, but blogger takes a long time to upload, and I lost the will to live. So, here is song #11 from Song A Day- this is just a short vocal experiment vaguely related to my practical dissertation at uni. The video was done at about midnight last night and is pretty much irrelevant, so it's probably best to listen with your eyes closed :)


Wednesday 8 April 2009

Just 'til June....

It's been a while since anything got posted up here - James hasn't figured out blogger yet, so i'll have to get his videos off him and put them up. in the meantime, do check out our youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/oogliabeast - it has all the videos which haven't quite found their way on here yet!

Today's video is a quick little song from my frazzled brain, bemoaning the fact I can't seem to write my dissertation, and would rather write silly little songs about nothing than finish my degree!

I, don't have the time / To write songs about my holidays, with this dissertation on my mind / But here I sit, can't finish it / The words are bad, the grammar poor, but look how I play in 5/4:

Words have always come so easily / But now blank pages seem to laugh at me / Someone help me finish my degree / I'll pay you good money to be me.

But just 'til June........